Source code for anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.region

Define region

__date__ ="$09/03/2012 4:46:39 PM$"

from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import ensure_numeric

from anuga import Domain
from anuga import Quantity
import numpy as num
from pprint import pprint

from anuga.geometry.polygon import inside_polygon, line_intersect

from anuga.utilities.function_utils import determine_function_type

#from anuga import indent

[docs]class Region(object): """ Object which defines a region within the domain """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain, indices=None, polygon=None, center=None, radius=None, line=None, poly=None, expand_polygon=False, verbose = False): """Create a Region object :param domain: Region must be defined wrt a domain :param indices: Define the region by triangle IDs :param polygon: List of [x,y] points to define region :param center: point [x,y] which defines the centre of a circle :param radius: radius of a circle which defines a region :param line: List of [x,y] points defining a polyline :param poly: An old argument which was used to define a polyline or polygon :param expand_polygon: If set true, then calculation of intersection of polygon with triangles based on vertices, otherwise based just on centroids :param verbose: Set to True for more verbose output Setup region (defined by indices, polygon or center/radius). Useful in defining where to apply certain operations """ #------------------------------------------ # Local variables #------------------------------------------ self.indices = indices = center self.radius = radius self.polygon = polygon self.line = line self.poly = poly self.type = 'full_region' self.expand_polygon = expand_polygon self.verbose = verbose #------------------------------------------ # Useful aliases #------------------------------------------ self.domain = domain self.coord_c = self.domain.centroid_coordinates self.areas = self.domain.areas #------------------------------------------- # Work out indices associated with region: #------------------------------------------- if self.indices is not None: # This overrides polygon, center and radius, line assert self.radius is None assert is None assert self.polygon is None assert self.line is None self.indices = num.asarray(self.indices) if self.indices.size == 0: self.indices = [] self.type = 'empty' else: self.type = 'indices_specified' elif ( is not None) and (self.radius is not None): assert self.indices is None assert self.polygon is None assert self.line is None self._setup_indices_circle() self.type = 'circle' elif (self.polygon is not None): assert self.indices is None assert self.radius is None assert is None assert self.line is None self._setup_indices_polygon() self.type = 'polygon' elif (self.line is not None): assert self.indices is None assert self.radius is None assert is None assert self.polygon is None self._setup_indices_line() self.type = 'line' elif (self.poly is not None): # could be either a line or a polygon # This is essentially for backwards compatibility assert self.indices is None assert self.radius is None assert is None assert self.polygon is None assert self.line is None self.poly = num.asarray(self.poly) if len(self.poly) > 2: self.polygon = self.poly self._setup_indices_polygon() self.type = 'polygon' else: self.line = self.poly self._setup_indices_line() self.type = 'line' else: assert self.indices is None or self.indices is [] if self.indices is None: self.full_indices = num.where(self.domain.tri_full_flag ==1)[0] elif len(self.indices) == 0: self.full_indices = [] else: self.full_indices = num.array(self.indices)[self.domain.tri_full_flag[self.indices]==1]
def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__, self.__dict__) def get_type(self): return self.type def plot_region(self, filename=None): try: import matplotlib #matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.tri as tri except: msg ="Couldn't import module from matplotlib, probably you need to update matplotlib" raise msg vertices = self.domain.get_vertex_coordinates() full_mask = num.repeat(self.domain.tri_full_flag == 1, 3) region_mask = num.zeros(len(self.domain),int).astype(bool) region_mask[self.indices] = True region_mask = num.repeat(region_mask,3) #num.repeat(self.indices, 3) #pprint(region_mask) # Gather full and region nodes fx = vertices[full_mask,0] fy = vertices[full_mask,1] gx = vertices[region_mask,0] gy = vertices[region_mask,1] # Plot mesh n = len(fx) // 3 triang = num.array(list(range(0,3*n))) triang.shape = (n, 3) plt.triplot(fx, fy, triang, 'b-') # Plot region n = len(gx) // 3 if n > 0: triang = num.array(list(range(0,3*n))) triang.shape = (n, 3) plt.triplot(gx, gy, triang, 'r-') # Save triangulation to location pointed by filename if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename) def _setup_indices_circle(self): # Determine indices in circular region N = self.domain.get_number_of_triangles() points = self.domain.get_centroid_coordinates(absolute=True) indices = [] c = r = self.radius intersect = False for k in range(N): x, y = points[k,:] # Centroid if ((x-c[0])**2+(y-c[1])**2) < r**2: intersect = True indices.append(k) if len(indices) != 0: self.indices = indices else: self.indices = num.asarray(indices) if not self.domain.parallel: msg = 'No centroids intersect circle center'+str(c)+' radius '+str(r) if not intersect: raise Exception(msg) def _setup_indices_polygon(self): # Determine indices for polygonal region points = self.domain.get_centroid_coordinates(absolute=True) vertex_coordinates = self.domain.get_vertex_coordinates(absolute=True) indices = inside_polygon(points, self.polygon) if self.expand_polygon : n = len(self.polygon) for j in range(n): tris_0 = line_intersect(vertex_coordinates, [self.polygon[j],self.polygon[(j+1)%n]]) indices = num.union1d(tris_0, indices) if len(indices) == 0: self.indices = indices else: self.indices = num.asarray(indices) if not self.domain.parallel: # only warn if not parallel as we should get lots of subdomains without indices if len(indices) == 0: msg = 'No centroids found for polygon %s '% str(self.polygon) import warnings warnings.warn(msg) def _setup_indices_line(self): # Determine indices for triangles intersecting a line region vertex_coordinates = self.domain.get_vertex_coordinates(absolute=True) indices = line_intersect(vertex_coordinates, self.line) if len(indices) == 0: self.indices = indices else: self.indices = num.asarray(indices) if not self.domain.parallel: msg = 'No centroids intersecting line %s '% str(self.line) if len(indices) == 0: raise Exception(msg) def get_indices(self, full_only=True): if full_only: return self.full_indices else: return self.indices def set_verbose(self, verbose=True): self.verbose = verbose
class Centroid_field(object): def __init__(self, region, value, verbose=None): self.region = region self.value = value self.domain = self.region.domain def set_value(self,value): """Set value Can change value while running Can be a scalar, or a function of t or x,y or x,y,t or a quantity """ # Test if rate is a quantity if isinstance(value, Quantity): self.value_type = 'quantity' else: # Possible types are 'scalar', 't', 'x,y' and 'x,y,t' from anuga.utilities.function_utils import determine_function_type self.value_type = determine_function_type(value) self.value = value if self.value_type == 'scalar': self.value_callable = False self.value_spatial = False elif self.value_type == 'quantity': self.value_callable = False self.valuespatial = False elif self.value_type == 't': self.value_callable = True self.value_spatial = False else: self.value_callable = True self.value_spatial = True