Source code for anuga.shallow_water.shallow_water_domain

Finite-volume computations of the shallow water wave equation.

Title: ANGUA shallow_water_domain - 2D triangular domains for finite-volume
       computations of the shallow water wave equation.

Author: Ole Nielsen,
        Stephen Roberts,
        Duncan Gray,
        Gareth Davies,

CreationDate: 2004

    This module contains a specialisation of class Generic_Domain from
    module consisting of methods specific to the
    Shallow Water Wave Equation

    U_t + E_x + G_y = S


    U = [w, uh, vh]
    E = [uh, u^2h + gh^2/2, uvh]
    G = [vh, uvh, v^2h + gh^2/2]
    S represents source terms forcing the system
    (e.g. gravity, friction, wind stress, ...)

    and _t, _x, _y denote the derivative with respect to t, x and y

    The quantities are

    symbol    variable name    explanation
    x         x                horizontal distance from origin [m]
    y         y                vertical distance from origin [m]
    z         elevation        elevation of bed on which flow is modelled [m]
    h         height           water height above z [m]
    w         stage            absolute water level, w = z+h [m]
    u                          speed in the x direction [m/s]
    v                          speed in the y direction [m/s]
    uh        xmomentum        momentum in the x direction [m^2/s]
    vh        ymomentum        momentum in the y direction [m^2/s]

    eta                        mannings friction coefficient [to appear]
    nu                         wind stress coefficient [to appear]

    The conserved quantities are w, uh, vh

    Catastrophic Collapse of Water Supply Reservoirs in Urban Areas,
    Christopher Zoppou and Stephen Roberts,
    Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 127, No. 7 July 1999

    Hydrodynamic modelling of coastal inundation.
    Nielsen, O., S. Roberts, D. Gray, A. McPherson and A. Hitchman
    In Zerger, A. and Argent, R.M. (eds) MODSIM 2005 International Congress on
    Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and
    New Zealand, December 2005, pp. 518-523. ISBN: 0-9758400-2-9.

    See also: and

Constraints: See GPL license in the user guide
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

# Decorator added for profiling

#rom past.builtins import str
from builtins import range
from past.utils import old_div
from future.utils import raise_
def profileit(name):
    def inner(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            prof = cProfile.Profile()
            retval = prof.runcall(func, *args, **kwargs)
            # Note use of name from outer scope
            return retval
        return wrapper
    return inner

import numpy as num
import sys
import os
import time

    import dill as pickle
    import pickle

from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.generic_domain \
                    import Generic_Domain

from anuga.shallow_water.forcing import Cross_section
from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import mean
from anuga.file.sww import SWW_file

import anuga.utilities.log as log

from anuga.utilities.parallel_abstraction import size, rank, get_processor_name
from anuga.utilities.parallel_abstraction import finalize, send, receive
from anuga.utilities.parallel_abstraction import pypar_available, barrier

#from pypar import size, rank, send, receive, barrier

[docs]class Domain(Generic_Domain): """Object which encapulates the shallow water model This class is a specialization of class Generic_Domain from module consisting of methods specific to the Shallow Water Wave Equation Shallow Water Wave Equation .. math:: U_t + E_x + G_y = S where .. math:: U = [w, uh, vh]^T .. math:: E = [uh, u^2h + gh^2/2, uvh] .. math:: G = [vh, uvh, v^2h + gh^2/2] S represents source terms forcing the system (e.g. gravity, friction, wind stress, ...) and _t, _x, _y denote the derivative with respect to t, x and y respectively. The quantities are symbol variable name explanation x x horizontal distance from origin [m] y y vertical distance from origin [m] z elevation elevation of bed on which flow is modelled [m] h height water height above z [m] w stage absolute water level, w = z+h [m] u speed in the x direction [m/s] v speed in the y direction [m/s] uh xmomentum momentum in the x direction [m^2/s] vh ymomentum momentum in the y direction [m^2/s] eta mannings friction coefficient [to appear] nu wind stress coefficient [to appear] The conserved quantities are w, uh, vh """
[docs] def __init__(self, coordinates=None, vertices=None, boundary=None, tagged_elements=None, geo_reference=None, use_inscribed_circle=False, mesh_filename=None, use_cache=False, verbose=False, conserved_quantities = None, evolved_quantities = None, other_quantities = None, full_send_dict=None, ghost_recv_dict=None, starttime=0, processor=0, numproc=1, number_of_full_nodes=None, number_of_full_triangles=None, ghost_layer_width=2, **kwargs): """Instantiate a shallow water domain. :param coordinates: vertex locations for the mesh :param vertices: vertex indices defining the triangles of the mesh :param boundary: boundaries of the mesh """ # Define quantities for the shallow_water domain if conserved_quantities is None: conserved_quantities = ['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'] if evolved_quantities is None: evolved_quantities = ['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'] if other_quantities is None: other_quantities = ['elevation', 'friction', 'height', 'xvelocity', 'yvelocity', 'x', 'y'] Generic_Domain.__init__(self, coordinates, vertices, boundary, conserved_quantities, evolved_quantities, other_quantities, tagged_elements, geo_reference, use_inscribed_circle, mesh_filename, use_cache, verbose, full_send_dict, ghost_recv_dict, starttime, processor, numproc, number_of_full_nodes=number_of_full_nodes, number_of_full_triangles=number_of_full_triangles, ghost_layer_width=ghost_layer_width) #------------------------------- # Operator Data Structures #------------------------------- self.fractional_step_operators = [] self.kv_operator = None #------------------------------- # Set flow defaults #------------------------------- self.set_flow_algorithm() #------------------------------- # datetime and timezone #------------------------------- self.set_timezone() #------------------------------- # Forcing Terms # # Gravity is now incorporated in # compute_fluxes routine #------------------------------- self.forcing_terms.append(manning_friction_implicit) #------------------------------- # Stored output #------------------------------- self.set_store(True) self.set_store_centroids(True) self.set_store_vertices_uniquely(False) self.quantities_to_be_stored = {'elevation': 1, 'friction':1, 'stage': 2, 'xmomentum': 2, 'ymomentum': 2} #------------------------------- # Set up check pointing every n # yieldsteps #------------------------------- self.checkpoint = False self.yieldstep_counter = 0 self.checkpoint_step = 10 #------------------------------- # Useful auxiliary quantity #------------------------------- n = self.number_of_elements self.quantities['x'].set_values(self.vertex_coordinates[:,0].reshape(n,3)) self.quantities['x'].set_boundary_values_from_edges() self.quantities['y'].set_values(self.vertex_coordinates[:,1].reshape(n,3)) self.quantities['y'].set_boundary_values_from_edges() # For riverwalls, we need to know the 'edge_flux_type' for each edge # Edge-flux-type of 0 == Normal edge, with shallow water flux # 1 == riverwall # 2 == ? # etc self.edge_flux_type=num.zeros(len(self.edge_coordinates[:,0])).astype(int) # Riverwalls -- initialise with dummy values # Presently only works with DE algorithms, will fail otherwise import anuga.structures.riverwall self.riverwallData=anuga.structures.riverwall.RiverWall(self) ## Keep track of the fluxes through the boundaries ## Only works for DE algorithms at present max_time_substeps=3 # Maximum number of substeps supported by any timestepping method # boundary_flux_sum holds boundary fluxes on each sub-step [unused substeps = 0.] self.boundary_flux_sum=num.array([0.]*max_time_substeps) from anuga.operators.boundary_flux_integral_operator import boundary_flux_integral_operator self.boundary_flux_integral=boundary_flux_integral_operator(self) # Make an integer counting how many times we call compute_fluxes_central -- so we know which substep we are on # List to store the volumes we computed before self.volume_history=[] # Work arrays [avoid allocate statements in compute_fluxes or extrapolate_second_order] self.edge_flux_work=num.zeros(len(self.edge_coordinates[:,0])*3) # Advective fluxes self.pressuregrad_work=num.zeros(len(self.edge_coordinates[:,0])) # Gravity related terms self.x_centroid_work=num.zeros(old_div(len(self.edge_coordinates[:,0]),3)) self.y_centroid_work=num.zeros(old_div(len(self.edge_coordinates[:,0]),3)) ############################################################################ ## Local-timestepping information # # Fluxes can be updated every 1, 2, 4, 8, .. max_flux_update_frequency timesteps # The global timestep is not allowed to increase except when # number_of_timesteps%max_flux_update_frequency==0 self.max_flux_update_frequency=2**0 # Must be a power of 2. # flux_update_frequency. The edge flux terms are re-computed only when # number_of_timesteps%flux_update_frequency[myEdge]==0 self.flux_update_frequency=num.zeros(len(self.edge_coordinates[:,0])).astype(int)+1 # Flag: should we update the flux on the next compute fluxes call? self.update_next_flux=num.zeros(len(self.edge_coordinates[:,0])).astype(int)+1 # Flag: should we update the extrapolation on the next extrapolation call? # (Only do this if one or more of the fluxes on that triangle will be computed on # the next timestep, assuming only the flux computation uses edge/vertex values) self.update_extrapolation=num.zeros(old_div(len(self.edge_coordinates[:,0]),3)).astype(int)+1 # edge_timestep [wavespeed/radius] -- not updated every timestep self.edge_timestep=num.zeros(len(self.edge_coordinates[:,0]))+1.0e+100 # Do we allow the timestep to increase (not every time if local # extrapolation/flux updating is used) self.allow_timestep_increase=num.zeros(1).astype(int)+1
def _set_config_defaults(self): """Set the default values in this routine. That way we can inherit class and just redefine the defaults for the new class """ from anuga.config import minimum_storable_height from anuga.config import minimum_allowed_height, maximum_allowed_speed from anuga.config import g from anuga.config import tight_slope_limiters from anuga.config import extrapolate_velocity_second_order from anuga.config import alpha_balance from anuga.config import optimise_dry_cells from anuga.config import optimised_gradient_limiter from anuga.config import use_edge_limiter from anuga.config import use_centroid_velocities from anuga.config import compute_fluxes_method from anuga.config import distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method from anuga.config import sloped_mannings_function from anuga.config import low_froude # Early algorithms need elevation to remain continuous self.set_using_discontinuous_elevation(False) self.set_minimum_allowed_height(minimum_allowed_height) self.maximum_allowed_speed = maximum_allowed_speed self.minimum_storable_height = minimum_storable_height self.g = g self.alpha_balance = alpha_balance self.tight_slope_limiters = tight_slope_limiters self.set_low_froude(low_froude) self.set_use_optimise_dry_cells(optimise_dry_cells) self.set_extrapolate_velocity(extrapolate_velocity_second_order) self.set_use_edge_limiter(use_edge_limiter) self.optimised_gradient_limiter = optimised_gradient_limiter self.use_centroid_velocities = use_centroid_velocities self.set_sloped_mannings_function(sloped_mannings_function) self.set_compute_fluxes_method(compute_fluxes_method) self.set_distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method(distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method) self.set_store_centroids(False) def get_algorithm_parameters(self): """ Get the standard parameter that are currently set (as a dictionary) """ parameters = {} parameters['minimum_allowed_height'] = self.minimum_allowed_height parameters['maximum_allowed_speed'] = self.maximum_allowed_speed parameters['minimum_storable_height'] = self.minimum_storable_height parameters['g'] = self.g parameters['alpha_balance'] = self.alpha_balance parameters['tight_slope_limiters'] = self.tight_slope_limiters parameters['optimise_dry_cells'] = self.optimise_dry_cells parameters['use_edge_limiter'] = self.use_edge_limiter parameters['low_froude'] = self.low_froude parameters['use_centroid_velocities'] = self.use_centroid_velocities parameters['use_sloped_mannings'] = self.use_sloped_mannings parameters['compute_fluxes_method'] = self.get_compute_fluxes_method() parameters['distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method'] = \ self.get_distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method() parameters['flow_algorithm'] = self.get_flow_algorithm() parameters['CFL'] = self.get_CFL() parameters['timestepping_method'] = self.get_timestepping_method() parameters['optimised_gradient_limiter'] = self.optimised_gradient_limiter parameters['extrapolate_velocity_second_order'] = self.extrapolate_velocity_second_order return parameters def print_algorithm_parameters(self): """ Print the standard parameters that are curently set (as a dictionary) """ print('#============================') print('# Domain Algorithm Parameters ') print('#============================') from pprint import pprint pprint(self.get_algorithm_parameters(),indent=4) print('#----------------------------') def _set_tsunami_defaults(self): """Set up the defaults for running the flow_algorithm "tsunami" """ self._set_config_defaults() self.set_CFL(1.0) #self.set_use_kinematic_viscosity(False) self.set_timestepping_method(2) self.set_default_order(2) self.set_compute_fluxes_method('tsunami') self.set_extrapolate_velocity() self.set_distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method('tsunami') self.use_edge_limiter=True # The following allows storage of the negative depths associated with this method self.minimum_storable_height=-99999999999.0 # Note that the extrapolation method used in quantity_ext.c (e.g. # extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_edge) uses a constant value for # all the betas. self.beta_w=1.0 self.beta_w_dry=1.0 self.beta_uh=1.0 self.beta_uh_dry=1.0 self.beta_vh=1.0 self.beta_vh_dry=1.0 #self.optimise_dry_cells=True # "self.optimise_dry_cells=False" presently ensures that the stage is # always >= minimum_bed_edge value. Actually, we should only need to # apply 'False' on the very first time step (to deal with stage values # that were initialised below the bed by the user). After this, the # algorithm should take care of itself, and 'True' should be okay. self.optimise_dry_cells=False # Because gravity is treated within the flux function, # we remove it from the forcing terms. #self.forcing_terms.remove(gravity) # We need the edge_coordinates for the extrapolation self.edge_coordinates=self.get_edge_midpoint_coordinates() ## (OLD) We demand that vertex values are stored uniquely ##self.set_store_vertices_smoothly(False) # Now we can just store centroids directly self.set_store_centroids(True) self.maximum_allowed_speed=0.0 #self.minimum_allowed_height=0.01 #self.forcing_terms.append(manning_friction_explicit) #self.forcing_terms.remove(manning_friction_implicit) if self.processor == 0 and self.verbose: print('##########################################################################') print('#') print("#") print("# Here are some tips on using the 'tsunami' solver") print("#") print("# 1) When plotting outputs, I strongly suggest you examine centroid values, not vertex values") print("# , as the latter can be completely misleading near strong gradients in the flow. ") print("# There is a script in anuga_core/utilities/ which might help you extract") print("# quantities at centroid values from sww files.") print("# Note that to accuractely compute centroid values from sww files, the files need to store ") print("# vertices uniquely. This makes for large sww files (3x), but is the price to pay for the right answer") print("# (unless we alter IO to allow centroids to be written to sww files, which would then affect") print("# ANUGA viewer as well -- I expect this would be lots of work)") print("#") print("# 2) In field scale applications (where the depth is typically > 1m), I suggest you set") print("# domain.minimum_allowed_height=0.01 (the default is 1.0e-3). ") print("#") print("# 3) This solver is not expected to perform well in problems with very") print("# shallow water flowing down steep slopes (such that the stage_centroid_value ") print("# is less than the maximum bed_edge_value on a given triangle). However, analytical tests") print("# suggest it can do typical wetting/drying situations very well (parabolic oscillations test case) ") print("#") print("# 4) This solver allows the stage_centroid_value to drop to slightly below the minimum bed_vertex_value") print("# on it's triangle. In other ANUGA versions (e.g. 1.2.1), the limit would be the") print("# bed_centroid_value. This means that triangles store slightly more water than they are") print("# typically interpreted to store, which might have significance in some applications.") print("#") print("# You will probably be able to tell this is causing you problems by convergence testing") print("#") print('# 5) Note that many options in have been overridden by the solver -- we have ') print('# deliberately attempted to get the solver to perform well with consistent values of ') print('# these parameters -- so I advise against changing them unless you at least check that ') print('# it really does improve things') print('#') print('##########################################################################') def _set_1_0_defaults(self): """Set up the defaults for running the flow_algorithm "1_0" so that users can revert back to old default algorithm """ self._set_config_defaults() self.set_timestepping_method(1) self.set_default_order(1) self.set_CFL(1.0) if self.processor == 0 and self.verbose: print('##########################################################################') print('#') print('# Using continuous elevation solver 1_0') print('#') print('# Uses diffusive first order spatial, first order timestepping') print('#') print('##########################################################################') def _set_1_5_defaults(self): """Set up the defaults for running the flow_algorithm "1_5" so that users can revert back to old default algorithm """ self._set_config_defaults() self.set_timestepping_method(1) self.set_default_order(2) beta_w = 1.0 beta_w_dry = 0.2 beta_uh = 1.0 beta_uh_dry = 0.2 beta_vh = 1.0 beta_vh_dry = 0.2 self.set_betas(beta_w, beta_w_dry, beta_uh, beta_uh_dry, beta_vh, beta_vh_dry) self.set_CFL(1.0) self.set_compute_fluxes_method('wb_2') self.set_extrapolate_velocity() if self.processor == 0 and self.verbose: print('##########################################################################') print('#') print('# Using continuous elevation solver 1_5') print('#') print('# Uses diffusive second order spatial, first order timestepping') print('#') print('##########################################################################') def _set_1_75_defaults(self): """Set up the defaults for running the flow_algorithm "1_75" so that users can revert back to old default algorithm """ self._set_config_defaults() self.set_timestepping_method(1) self.set_default_order(2) beta_w = 1.5 beta_w_dry = 0.2 beta_uh = 1.5 beta_uh_dry = 0.2 beta_vh = 1.5 beta_vh_dry = 0.2 self.set_betas(beta_w, beta_w_dry, beta_uh, beta_uh_dry, beta_vh, beta_vh_dry) self.set_CFL(0.75) self.set_compute_fluxes_method('wb_2') self.set_extrapolate_velocity() if self.processor == 0 and self.verbose: print('##########################################################################') print('#') print('# Using continuous elevation solver 1_75') print('#') print('# Uses less diffusive second order spatial, first order timestepping') print('#') print('##########################################################################') def _set_2_0_limited_defaults(self): """Set up the defaults for running the flow_algorithm "2_limited" so that users can revert back to old default algorithm """ self._set_config_defaults() self.set_timestepping_method(2) self.set_default_order(2) beta_w = 1.5 beta_w_dry = 0.2 beta_uh = 1.5 beta_uh_dry = 0.2 beta_vh = 1.5 beta_vh_dry = 0.2 self.set_betas(beta_w, beta_w_dry, beta_uh, beta_uh_dry, beta_vh, beta_vh_dry) self.set_CFL(1.0) self.set_compute_fluxes_method('wb_2') self.set_extrapolate_velocity() if self.processor == 0 and self.verbose: print('##########################################################################') print('#') print('# Using continuous elevation solver 2_0_limited') print('#') print('# Uses diffusive second order spatial, second order timestepping') print('#') print('##########################################################################') def _set_2_0_defaults(self): """Set up the defaults for running the flow_algorithm "2_0" so that users can revert back to old default algorithm """ self._set_config_defaults() self.set_timestepping_method(2) self.set_default_order(2) beta_w = 1.9 beta_w_dry = 0.2 beta_uh = 1.9 beta_uh_dry = 0.2 beta_vh = 1.9 beta_vh_dry = 0.2 self.set_betas(beta_w, beta_w_dry, beta_uh, beta_uh_dry, beta_vh, beta_vh_dry) self.set_CFL(1.0) self.set_compute_fluxes_method('wb_2') self.set_extrapolate_velocity() if self.processor == 0 and self.verbose: print('##########################################################################') print('#') print('# Using continuous elevation solver 2_0') print('#') print('# Uses second order spatial, second order timestepping') print('#') print('##########################################################################') def _set_2_5_defaults(self): """Set up the defaults for running the flow_algorithm "2_0" so that users can revert back to old default algorithm """ self._set_config_defaults() self.set_timestepping_method(3) self.set_default_order(2) beta_w = 1.9 beta_w_dry = 0.2 beta_uh = 1.9 beta_uh_dry = 0.2 beta_vh = 1.9 beta_vh_dry = 0.2 self.set_betas(beta_w, beta_w_dry, beta_uh, beta_uh_dry, beta_vh, beta_vh_dry) self.set_CFL(1.0) self.set_compute_fluxes_method('wb_2') self.set_extrapolate_velocity() if self.processor == 0 and self.verbose: print('##########################################################################') print('#') print('# Using continuous elevation solver 2_5') print('#') print('# Uses second order spatial, third order timestepping') print('#') print('##########################################################################') def _set_DE0_defaults(self): """Set up the defaults for running the flow_algorithm "DE0" A 'discontinuous elevation' method """ self._set_config_defaults() self.set_CFL(0.9) self.set_use_kinematic_viscosity(False) #self.timestepping_method='rk2'#'rk3'#'euler'#'rk2' self.set_timestepping_method('euler') self.set_using_discontinuous_elevation(True) self.set_compute_fluxes_method('DE') self.set_distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method('DE') # Don't place any restriction on the minimum storable height #self.minimum_storable_height=-99999999999.0 self.minimum_allowed_height=1.0e-12 self.use_edge_limiter=True self.set_default_order(2) self.set_extrapolate_velocity() self.beta_w=0.5 self.beta_w_dry=0.0 self.beta_uh=0.5 self.beta_uh_dry=0.0 self.beta_vh=0.5 self.beta_vh_dry=0.0 #self.set_quantities_to_be_stored({'stage': 2, 'xmomentum': 2, # 'ymomentum': 2, 'elevation': 2, 'height':2}) #self.set_quantities_to_be_stored({'stage': 2, 'xmomentum': 2, # 'ymomentum': 2, 'elevation': 1}) self.set_store_centroids(True) self.optimise_dry_cells=False # We need the edge_coordinates for the extrapolation self.edge_coordinates=self.get_edge_midpoint_coordinates() # By default vertex values are NOT stored uniquely # for storage efficiency. We may override this (but not so important since # centroids are stored anyway # self.set_store_vertices_smoothly(False) self.maximum_allowed_speed=0.0 if self.processor == 0 and self.verbose: print('##########################################################################') print('#') print('# Using discontinuous elevation solver DE0') print('#') print('# First order timestepping') print('#') print('# Make sure you use centroid values when reporting on important output quantities') print('#') print('##########################################################################') def _set_DE1_defaults(self): """Set up the defaults for running the flow_algorithm "DE1" A 'discontinuous elevation' method """ self._set_config_defaults() self.set_CFL(1.0) self.set_use_kinematic_viscosity(False) #self.timestepping_method='rk2'#'rk3'#'euler'#'rk2' self.set_timestepping_method(2) self.set_using_discontinuous_elevation(True) self.set_compute_fluxes_method('DE') self.set_distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method('DE') # Don't place any restriction on the minimum storable height #self.minimum_storable_height=-99999999999.0 self.minimum_allowed_height=1.0e-5 self.use_edge_limiter=True self.set_default_order(2) self.set_extrapolate_velocity() self.beta_w=1.0 self.beta_w_dry=0.0 self.beta_uh=1.0 self.beta_uh_dry=0.0 self.beta_vh=1.0 self.beta_vh_dry=0.0 #self.set_quantities_to_be_stored({'stage': 2, 'xmomentum': 2, # 'ymomentum': 2, 'elevation': 2, 'height':2}) #self.set_quantities_to_be_stored({'stage': 2, 'xmomentum': 2, # 'ymomentum': 2, 'elevation': 1}) self.set_store_centroids(True) self.optimise_dry_cells=False # We need the edge_coordinates for the extrapolation self.edge_coordinates=self.get_edge_midpoint_coordinates() # By default vertex values are NOT stored uniquely # for storage efficiency. We may override this (but not so important since # centroids are stored anyway # self.set_store_vertices_smoothly(False) self.maximum_allowed_speed=0.0 if self.processor == 0 and self.verbose: print('##########################################################################') print('#') print('# Using discontinuous elevation solver DE1 ') print('#') print('# Uses rk2 timestepping') print('#') print('# Make sure you use centroid values when reporting on important output quantities') print('#') print('##########################################################################') def _set_DE2_defaults(self): """Set up the defaults for running the flow_algorithm "DE2" A 'discontinuous elevation' method """ self._set_config_defaults() self.set_CFL(1.0) self.set_use_kinematic_viscosity(False) #self.timestepping_method='rk2'#'rk3'#'euler'#'rk2' self.set_timestepping_method(3) self.set_using_discontinuous_elevation(True) self.set_compute_fluxes_method('DE') self.set_distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method('DE') # Don't place any restriction on the minimum storable height #self.minimum_storable_height=-99999999999.0 self.minimum_allowed_height=1.0e-5 self.use_edge_limiter=True self.set_default_order(2) self.set_extrapolate_velocity() self.beta_w=1.0 self.beta_w_dry=0.0 self.beta_uh=1.0 self.beta_uh_dry=0.0 self.beta_vh=1.0 self.beta_vh_dry=0.0 #self.set_quantities_to_be_stored({'stage': 2, 'xmomentum': 2, # 'ymomentum': 2, 'elevation': 2, 'height':2}) #self.set_quantities_to_be_stored({'stage': 2, 'xmomentum': 2, # 'ymomentum': 2, 'elevation': 1}) self.set_store_centroids(True) self.optimise_dry_cells=False # We need the edge_coordinates for the extrapolation self.edge_coordinates=self.get_edge_midpoint_coordinates() # By default vertex values are NOT stored uniquely # for storage efficiency. We may override this (but not so important since # centroids are stored anyway # self.set_store_vertices_smoothly(False) self.maximum_allowed_speed=0.0 if self.processor == 0 and self.verbose: print('##########################################################################') print('#') print('# Using discontinuous elevation solver DE2') print('#') print('# Using rk3 timestepping') print('#') print('# Make sure you use centroid values when reporting on important output quantities') print('#') print('##########################################################################') def _set_DE1_7_defaults(self): """Set up the defaults for running the flow_algorithm "DE0_7" A 'discontinuous elevation' method """ self._set_config_defaults() self.set_CFL(1.0) self.set_use_kinematic_viscosity(False) #self.timestepping_method='rk2'#'rk3'#'euler'#'rk2' self.set_timestepping_method(2) self.set_using_discontinuous_elevation(True) self.set_compute_fluxes_method('DE') self.set_distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method('DE') # Don't place any restriction on the minimum storable height #self.minimum_storable_height=-99999999999.0 self.minimum_allowed_height=1.0e-12 self.use_edge_limiter=True self.set_default_order(2) self.set_extrapolate_velocity() self.beta_w=0.75 self.beta_w_dry=0.1 self.beta_uh=0.75 self.beta_uh_dry=0.1 self.beta_vh=0.75 self.beta_vh_dry=0.1 #self.set_quantities_to_be_stored({'stage': 2, 'xmomentum': 2, # 'ymomentum': 2, 'elevation': 2, 'height':2}) #self.set_quantities_to_be_stored({'stage': 2, 'xmomentum': 2, # 'ymomentum': 2, 'elevation': 1}) self.set_store_centroids(True) self.optimise_dry_cells=False # We need the edge_coordinates for the extrapolation self.edge_coordinates=self.get_edge_midpoint_coordinates() # By default vertex values are NOT stored uniquely # for storage efficiency. We may override this (but not so important since # centroids are stored anyway # self.set_store_vertices_smoothly(False) self.maximum_allowed_speed=0.0 if self.processor == 0 and self.verbose: print('##########################################################################') print('#') print('# Using discontinuous elevation solver DE1_7 ') print('#') print('# A slightly more diffusive version of DE1, does use rk2 timestepping') print('#') print('# Make sure you use centroid values when reporting on important output quantities') print('#') print('##########################################################################') def _set_DE0_7_defaults(self): """Set up the defaults for running the flow_algorithm "DE3" A 'discontinuous elevation' method """ self._set_config_defaults() self.set_CFL(0.9) self.set_use_kinematic_viscosity(False) #self.timestepping_method='rk2'#'rk3'#'euler'#'rk2' self.set_timestepping_method(1) self.set_using_discontinuous_elevation(True) self.set_compute_fluxes_method('DE') self.set_distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method('DE') # Don't place any restriction on the minimum storable height #self.minimum_storable_height=-99999999999.0 self.minimum_allowed_height=1.0e-12 self.use_edge_limiter=True self.set_default_order(2) self.set_extrapolate_velocity() self.beta_w=0.7 self.beta_w_dry=0.1 self.beta_uh=0.7 self.beta_uh_dry=0.1 self.beta_vh=0.7 self.beta_vh_dry=0.1 #self.set_quantities_to_be_stored({'stage': 2, 'xmomentum': 2, # 'ymomentum': 2, 'elevation': 2, 'height':2}) #self.set_quantities_to_be_stored({'stage': 2, 'xmomentum': 2, # 'ymomentum': 2, 'elevation': 1}) self.set_store_centroids(True) self.optimise_dry_cells=False # We need the edge_coordinates for the extrapolation self.edge_coordinates=self.get_edge_midpoint_coordinates() # By default vertex values are NOT stored uniquely # for storage efficiency. We may override this (but not so important since # centroids are stored anyway # self.set_store_vertices_smoothly(False) self.maximum_allowed_speed=0.0 if self.processor == 0 and self.verbose: print('##########################################################################') print('#') print('# Using discontinuous elevation solver DE0_7') print('#') print('# A slightly less diffusive version than DE0, uses euler timestepping') print('#') print('# Make sure you use centroid values when reporting on important output quantities') print('#') print('##########################################################################') def update_special_conditions(self): my_update_special_conditions(self) # Note Padarn 06/12/12: The following line decorates # the set_quantity function to be profiled individually. # Need to uncomment the decorator at top of file. #@profileit("set_quantity.profile")
[docs] def set_quantity(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """Set values for named quantity We have to do something special for 'elevation' otherwise pass through to generic set_quantity """ # if name == 'elevation': # stage_c = self.get_quantity('stage').centroid_values # elev_c = self.get_quantity('elevation').centroid_values # height_c = stage_c - elev_c # Generic_Domain.set_quantity(self, name, *args, **kwargs) # stage_c[:] = elev_c + height_c # else: # Generic_Domain.set_quantity(self, name, *args, **kwargs) Generic_Domain.set_quantity(self, name, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_timezone(self, tz = None): """Set timezone for domain :param tz: either a timezone object or string We recommend using the timezone provided by the pytz modules. Default is pytz.utc Example: Set default timezone UTC >>> domain.set_timezone() Example: Set timezone using pytz string >>> domain.set_timezone('Australia/Syndey') Example: Set timezone using pytz timezone >>> new_tz = pytz.timezone('Australia/Sydney') >>> domain.set_timezone(new_tz) """ import pytz if tz is None: new_tz = pytz.utc elif isinstance(tz,str): new_tz = pytz.timezone(tz) elif isinstance(tz, pytz.tzinfo.DstTzInfo): new_tz = tz else: msg = "Unknown timezone %s" % tz raise Exception(msg) self.timezone = new_tz
def get_timezone(self): """Retrieve current domain timezone""" return self.timezone def get_datetime(self): """Retrieve datetime corresponding to current timestamp wrt to domain timezone""" import pytz from datetime import datetime utc_datetime = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.get_time())) current_dt = utc_datetime.astimezone(self.timezone) return current_dt
[docs] def set_starttime(self, timestamp=0.0): """Set the starttime for the evolution :param time: Either a float or a datetime object Essentially we use unix time as our absolute time. So time = 0 corresponds to Jan 1st 1970 UTC Use naive datetime which will be localized to the domain timezone or or use pytz.timezone.localize to set timezone of datetime. Don't use the tzinfo argument of datetime to set timezone as this does not work! Example: Without setting timezone for the `domain` and the `starttime` then time calculations are all based on UTC. Note the timestamp, which is time in seconds from 1st Jan 1970 UTC. >>> import pytz >>> import anuga >>> from datetime import datetime >>> >>> domain = anuga.rectangular_cross_domain(10,10) >>> dt = datetime(2021,3,21,18,30) >>> domain.set_starttime(dt) >>> print(domain.get_datetime(), 'TZ', domain.get_timezone(), 'Timestamp: ', domain.get_time()) 2021-03-21 18:30:00+00:00 TZ UTC Timestamp: 1616351400.0 Example: Setting timezone for the `domain`, then naive `datetime` will be localizes to the `domain` timezone. Note the timestamp, which is time in seconds from 1st Jan 1970 UTC. >>> import pytz >>> import anuga >>> from datetime import datetime >>> >>> domain = anuga.rectangular_cross_domain(10,10) >>> AEST = pytz.timezone('Australia/Sydney') >>> domain.set_timezone(AEST) >>> >>> dt = datetime(2021,3,21,18,30) >>> domain.set_starttime(dt) >>> print(domain.get_datetime(), 'TZ', domain.get_timezone(), 'Timestamp: ', domain.get_time()) 2021-03-21 18:30:00+11:00 TZ Australia/Sydney Timestamp: 1616311800.0 Example: Setting timezone for the `domain`, and setting the timezone for the `datetime`. Note the timestamp, which is time in seconds from 1st Jan 1970 UTC is the same as teh previous example. >>> import pytz >>> import anuga >>> from datetime import datetime >>> >>> domain = anuga.rectangular_cross_domain(10,10) >>> >>> ACST = pytz.timezone('Australia/Adelaide') >>> domain.set_timezone(ACST) >>> >>> AEST = pytz.timezone('Australia/Sydney') >>> dt = AEST.localize(datetime(2021,3,21,18,30)) >>> >>> domain.set_starttime(dt) >>> print(domain.get_datetime(), 'TZ', domain.get_timezone(), 'Timestamp: ', domain.get_time()) 2021-03-21 18:00:00+10:30 TZ Australia/Adelaide Timestamp: 1616311800.0 """ from datetime import datetime if self.evolved_called: msg = ('Can\'t change simulation start time once evolve has ' 'been called') raise Exception(msg) if isinstance(timestamp, datetime): if timestamp.tzinfo is None: dt = self.timezone.localize(timestamp) time = dt.timestamp() else: time = timestamp.timestamp() else: time = float(timestamp) self.starttime = time # starttime is now the origin for relative_time self.set_relative_time(0.0)
def set_store(self, flag=True): """Set whether data saved to sww file. """ = flag def get_store(self): """Get whether data saved to sww file. """ return def set_store_centroids(self, flag=True): """Set whether centroid data is saved to sww file. """ self.store_centroids = flag def get_store_centroids(self): """Get whether data saved to sww file. """ return self.store_centroids def set_checkpointing(self, checkpoint= True, checkpoint_dir = 'CHECKPOINTS', checkpoint_step=10, checkpoint_time = None): """Set up checkpointing. @param checkpoint: Default = True. Set to False will turn off checkpointing @param checkpoint_dir: Where to store checkpointing files @param checkpoint_step: Save checkpoint files after this many yieldsteps @param checkpoint_time: If set, over-rides checkpoint_step. save checkpoint files after this amount of walltime """ if checkpoint: # create checkpoint directory if necessary if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir): os.mkdir(checkpoint_dir) assert os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir) self.checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir if checkpoint_time is not None: #import time self.walltime_prev = time.time() self.checkpoint_time = checkpoint_time self.checkpoint_step = 0 else: self.checkpoint_step = checkpoint_step self.checkpoint = True #print(self.checkpoint_dir, self.checkpoint_step) else: self.checkpoint = False def set_sloped_mannings_function(self, flag=True): """Set mannings friction function to use the sloped wetted area. The flag is tested in the python wrapper mannings_friction_implicit """ if flag: self.use_sloped_mannings = True else: self.use_sloped_mannings = False def set_compute_fluxes_method(self, flag='original'): """Set method for computing fluxes. Currently original wb_1 wb_2 wb_3 tsunami DE """ compute_fluxes_methods = ['original', 'wb_1', 'wb_2', 'wb_3', 'tsunami', 'DE'] if flag in compute_fluxes_methods: self.compute_fluxes_method = flag else: msg = 'Unknown compute_fluxes_method. \nPossible choices are:\n'+ \ ', '.join(compute_fluxes_methods)+'.' raise Exception(msg) def set_local_extrapolation_and_flux_updating(self,nlevels=8): """ Use local flux and extrapolation updating nlevels == number of flux_update_frequency levels > 1 For example, to allow flux updating every 1,2,4,8 timesteps, do: domain.set_local_extrapolation_and_flux_updating(nlevels=3) (since 2**3==8) """ self.max_flux_update_frequency=2**nlevels if(self.max_flux_update_frequency != 1): if self.timestepping_method != 'euler': raise Exception('Local extrapolation and flux updating only supported with euler timestepping') if self.compute_fluxes_method != 'DE': raise Exception('Local extrapolation and flux updating only supported for discontinuous flow algorithms') def get_compute_fluxes_method(self): """Get method for computing fluxes. See set_compute_fluxes_method for possible choices. """ return self.compute_fluxes_method def set_distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method(self, flag='original'): """Set method for computing fluxes. Currently original tsunami """ distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_methods = ['original', 'tsunami', 'DE'] if flag in distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_methods: self.distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method = flag else: msg = 'Unknown distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method. \nPossible choices are:\n'+ \ ', '.join(distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_methods)+'.' raise Exception(msg) def get_distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method(self): """Get method for distribute_to_vertices_and_edges. See set_distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method for possible choices. """ return self.distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_method def set_flow_algorithm(self, flag='DE0'): """Set combination of slope limiting and time stepping Currently 1 1.5 2 2.5 tsunami DE0 DE1 DE2 DE0_7 DE1_7 """ # FIXME(Ole): flag should be called algorithm ;-) flag = str(flag) # Replace any dots with dashes flag = flag.replace(".","_") flow_algorithms = ['1_0', '1_5', '1_75', '2_0', '2_0_limited', '2_5', \ 'tsunami', 'yusuke', 'DE0', 'DE1', 'DE2', \ 'DE0_7', "DE1_7"] if flag in flow_algorithms: self.flow_algorithm = flag else: msg = 'Unknown flow_algorithm. \nPossible choices are:\n'+ \ ', '.join(flow_algorithms)+'.' raise Exception(msg) if self.flow_algorithm == '1_0': self._set_1_0_defaults() if self.flow_algorithm == '1_5': self._set_1_5_defaults() if self.flow_algorithm == '1_75': self._set_1_75_defaults() if self.flow_algorithm == '2_0_limited': self._set_2_0_limited_defaults() if self.flow_algorithm == '2_0': self._set_2_0_defaults() if self.flow_algorithm == '2_5': self._set_2_5_defaults() if self.flow_algorithm == 'tsunami': self._set_tsunami_defaults() if self.flow_algorithm == 'yusuke': # To speed up calculation we also turn off # the update of other quantities self._set_tsunami_defaults() if self.flow_algorithm == 'DE0': self._set_DE0_defaults() if self.flow_algorithm == 'DE1': self._set_DE1_defaults() if self.flow_algorithm == 'DE2': self._set_DE2_defaults() if self.flow_algorithm == 'DE0_7': self._set_DE0_7_defaults() if self.flow_algorithm == 'DE1_7': self._set_DE1_7_defaults() def get_flow_algorithm(self): """ Get method used for timestepping and spatial discretisation """ return self.flow_algorithm def set_gravity_method(self): """Gravity method is determined by the compute_fluxes_method This is now not used, as gravity is combine in the compute_fluxes method """ if self.get_compute_fluxes_method() == 'original': self.forcing_terms[0] = gravity elif self.get_compute_fluxes_method() == 'wb_1': self.forcing_terms[0] = gravity_wb elif self.get_compute_fluxes_method() == 'wb_2': self.forcing_terms[0] = gravity else: raise Exception('undefined compute_fluxes method') def set_extrapolate_velocity(self, flag=True): """ Extrapolation routine uses momentum by default, can change to velocity extrapolation which seems to work better. """ if flag is True: self.extrapolate_velocity_second_order = True elif flag is False: self.extrapolate_velocity_second_order = False def set_use_edge_limiter(self, flag=True): """ Extrapolation routine uses vertex values by default, for limiting, can change to edge limiting which seems to work better in some cases. """ if flag is True: self.use_edge_limiter = True elif flag is False: self.use_edge_limiter = False def set_low_froude(self, low_froude=0): """ For low Froude problems the standard flux calculations can lead to excessive damping. Set low_froude to 1 or 2 for flux calculations which minimize the damping in this case. """ assert low_froude in [0,1,2] self.low_froude = low_froude def set_use_optimise_dry_cells(self, flag=True): """ Try to optimize calculations where region is dry """ if flag is True: self.optimise_dry_cells = int(True) elif flag is False: self.optimise_dry_cells = int(False) def set_use_kinematic_viscosity(self, flag=True): from anuga.operators.kinematic_viscosity_operator import Kinematic_viscosity_operator if flag : # Create Operator if necessary if self.kv_operator is None: self.kv_operator = Kinematic_viscosity_operator(self) else: if self.kv_operator is None: return else: # Remove operator from fractional_step_operators self.fractional_step_operators.remove(self.kv_operator) self.kv_operator = None def set_beta(self, beta): """Shorthand to assign one constant value [0,2] to all limiters. 0 Corresponds to first order, where as larger values make use of the second order scheme. """ self.beta_w = beta self.beta_w_dry = beta self.quantities['stage'].beta = beta self.beta_uh = beta self.beta_uh_dry = beta self.quantities['xmomentum'].beta = beta self.beta_vh = beta self.beta_vh_dry = beta self.quantities['ymomentum'].beta = beta def set_betas(self, beta_w, beta_w_dry, beta_uh, beta_uh_dry, beta_vh, beta_vh_dry): """Assign beta values in the range [0,2] to all limiters. 0 Corresponds to first order, where as larger values make use of the second order scheme. """ self.beta_w = beta_w self.beta_w_dry = beta_w_dry self.quantities['stage'].beta = beta_w self.beta_uh = beta_uh self.beta_uh_dry = beta_uh_dry self.quantities['xmomentum'].beta = beta_uh self.beta_vh = beta_vh self.beta_vh_dry = beta_vh_dry self.quantities['ymomentum'].beta = beta_vh def set_store_vertices_uniquely(self, flag=True, reduction=None): """Decide whether vertex values should be stored uniquely as computed in the model (True) or whether they should be reduced to one value per vertex using self.reduction (False). """ # FIXME (Ole): how about using the word "continuous vertex values" or # "continuous stage surface" self.smooth = not flag # Reduction operation for get_vertex_values if reduction is None: self.reduction = mean #self.reduction = min #Looks better near steep slopes def set_store_vertices_smoothly(self, flag=True, reduction=None): """Decide whether vertex values should be stored smoothly (one value per vertex) or uniquely as computed in the model (False). """ # FIXME (Ole): how about using the word "continuous vertex values" or # "continuous stage surface" self.smooth = flag # Reduction operation for get_vertex_values if reduction is None: self.reduction = mean #self.reduction = min #Looks better near steep slopes def set_minimum_storable_height(self, minimum_storable_height): """Set the minimum depth that will be written to an SWW file. minimum_storable_height minimum allowed SWW depth is in meters This is useful for removing thin water layers that seems to be caused by friction creep. """ self.minimum_storable_height = minimum_storable_height def get_minimum_storable_height(self): return self.minimum_storable_height def set_minimum_allowed_height(self, minimum_allowed_height): """Set minimum depth that will be recognised in the numerical scheme. minimum_allowed_height minimum allowed depth in meters The parameter H0 (Minimal height for flux computation) is also set by this function. """ #FIXME (Ole): rename H0 to minimum_allowed_height_in_flux_computation #FIXME (Ole): Maybe use histogram to identify isolated extreme speeds #and deal with them adaptively similarly to how we used to use 1 order #steps to recover. self.minimum_allowed_height = minimum_allowed_height self.H0 = minimum_allowed_height def get_minimum_allowed_height(self): return self.minimum_allowed_height def set_maximum_allowed_speed(self, maximum_allowed_speed): """Set the maximum particle speed that is allowed in water shallower than minimum_allowed_height. maximum_allowed_speed This is useful for controlling speeds in very thin layers of water and at the same time allow some movement avoiding pooling of water. """ self.maximum_allowed_speed = maximum_allowed_speed def set_points_file_block_line_size(self, points_file_block_line_size): """ """ self.points_file_block_line_size = points_file_block_line_size # FIXME: Probably obsolete in its curren form def set_quantities_to_be_stored(self, q): """Specify which quantities will be stored in the SWW file. q must be either: - a dictionary with quantity names - a list of quantity names (for backwards compatibility) - None The format of the dictionary is as follows quantity_name: flag where flag must be either 1 or 2. If flag is 1, the quantity is considered static and will be stored once at the beginning of the simulation in a 1D array. If flag is 2, the quantity is considered time dependent and it will be stored at each yieldstep by appending it to the appropriate 2D array in the sww file. If q is None, storage will be switched off altogether. Once the simulation has started and thw sww file opened, this function will have no effect. The format, where q is a list of names is for backwards compatibility only. It will take the specified quantities to be time dependent and assume 'elevation' to be static regardless. """ if q is None: self.quantities_to_be_stored = {} = False return # Check correctness for quantity_name in q: msg = ('Quantity %s is not a valid conserved quantity' % quantity_name) assert quantity_name in self.quantities, msg assert isinstance(q, dict) self.quantities_to_be_stored = q def get_wet_elements(self, indices=None, minimum_height=None): """Return indices for elements where h > minimum_allowed_height Optional argument: indices is the set of element ids that the operation applies to. Usage: indices = get_wet_elements() Note, centroid values are used for this operation """ # Water depth below which it is considered to be 0 in the model # FIXME (Ole): Allow this to be specified as a keyword argument as well from anuga.config import minimum_allowed_height if minimum_height is None: minimum_height = minimum_allowed_height elevation = self.get_quantity('elevation').\ get_values(location='centroids', indices=indices) stage = self.get_quantity('stage').\ get_values(location='centroids', indices=indices) depth = stage - elevation # Select indices for which depth > 0 wet_indices = num.compress(depth > minimum_height, num.arange(len(depth))) return wet_indices def get_maximum_inundation_elevation(self, indices=None, minimum_height=None): """Return highest elevation where h > 0 Optional argument: indices is the set of element ids that the operation applies to. minimum_height for testing h > minimum_height Usage: q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation() Note, centroid values are used for this operation """ wet_elements = self.get_wet_elements(indices, minimum_height) return self.get_quantity('elevation').\ get_maximum_value(indices=wet_elements) def get_maximum_inundation_location(self, indices=None): """Return location of highest elevation where h > 0 Optional argument: indices is the set of element ids that the operation applies to. Usage: q = get_maximum_inundation_location() Note, centroid values are used for this operation """ wet_elements = self.get_wet_elements(indices) return self.get_quantity('elevation').\ get_maximum_location(indices=wet_elements) def get_water_volume(self): from anuga import numprocs #print self.evolved_called if not self.evolved_called: Stage = self.quantities['stage'] Elev = self.quantities['elevation'] h_c = Stage.centroid_values - Elev.centroid_values #print h_c from anuga import Quantity Height = Quantity(self) Height.set_values(h_c, location='centroids') #print Height.centroid_values volume = Height.get_integral() elif self.get_using_discontinuous_elevation(): Height = self.quantities['height'] volume = Height.get_integral() else: Stage = self.quantities['stage'] Elev = self.quantities['elevation'] Height = Stage-Elev volume = Height.get_integral() if numprocs == 1: self.volume_history.append(volume) return volume # isolated parallel code from anuga import myid, send, receive, barrier if myid == 0: water_volume = volume for i in range(1,numprocs): remote_volume = receive(i) water_volume = water_volume + remote_volume else: send(volume,0) #barrier() if myid == 0: for i in range(1,numprocs): send(water_volume,i) else: water_volume = receive(0) self.volume_history.append(water_volume) return water_volume def get_boundary_flux_integral(self): """Compute the boundary flux integral. Should work in parallel """ from anuga import numprocs if not self.compute_fluxes_method=='DE': msg='Boundary flux integral only supported for DE fluxes '+\ '(because computation of boundary_flux_sum is only implemented there)' raise_(Exception, msg) flux_integral = self.boundary_flux_integral.boundary_flux_integral[0] if numprocs == 1: return flux_integral # isolate parallel code from anuga import myid, send, receive, barrier if myid == 0: for i in range(1,numprocs): remote_flux_integral = receive(i) flux_integral = flux_integral + remote_flux_integral else: send(flux_integral,0) #barrier() if myid == 0: for i in range(1,numprocs): send(flux_integral,i) else: flux_integral = receive(0) return flux_integral def get_fractional_step_volume_integral(self): """Compute the integrated flows from fractional steps. This requires that the fractional step operators update the fractional_step_volume_integral. Should work in parallel """ from anuga import numprocs flux_integral = self.fractional_step_volume_integral if numprocs == 1: return flux_integral # isolate parallel code from anuga import myid, send, receive, barrier if myid == 0: for i in range(1,numprocs): remote_flux_integral = receive(i) flux_integral = flux_integral + remote_flux_integral else: send(flux_integral,0) #barrier() if myid == 0: for i in range(1,numprocs): send(flux_integral,i) else: flux_integral = receive(0) return flux_integral def get_flow_through_cross_section(self, polyline, verbose=False): """Get the total flow through an arbitrary poly line. This is a run-time equivalent of the function with same name in Input: polyline: Representation of desired cross section - it may contain multiple sections allowing for complex shapes. Assume absolute UTM coordinates. Format [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...] Output: Q: Total flow [m^3/s] across given segments. """ cross_section = Cross_section(self, polyline, verbose) return cross_section.get_flow_through_cross_section() def get_energy_through_cross_section(self, polyline, kind='total', verbose=False): """Obtain average energy head [m] across specified cross section. Inputs: polyline: Representation of desired cross section - it may contain multiple sections allowing for complex shapes. Assume absolute UTM coordinates. Format [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...] kind: Select which energy to compute. Options are 'specific' and 'total' (default) Output: E: Average energy [m] across given segments for all stored times. The average velocity is computed for each triangle intersected by the polyline and averaged weighted by segment lengths. The typical usage of this function would be to get average energy of flow in a channel, and the polyline would then be a cross section perpendicular to the flow. #FIXME (Ole) - need name for this energy reflecting that its dimension is [m]. """ cross_section = Cross_section(self, polyline, verbose) return cross_section.get_energy_through_cross_section(kind) def check_integrity(self): """ Run integrity checks on shallow water domain. """ Generic_Domain.check_integrity(self) #Check that we are solving the shallow water wave equation msg = 'First conserved quantity must be "stage"' assert self.conserved_quantities[0] == 'stage', msg msg = 'Second conserved quantity must be "xmomentum"' assert self.conserved_quantities[1] == 'xmomentum', msg msg = 'Third conserved quantity must be "ymomentum"' assert self.conserved_quantities[2] == 'ymomentum', msg #@profile def extrapolate_second_order_sw(self): """Fast version of extrapolation from centroids to edges""" from .shallow_water_ext import extrapolate_second_order_sw as extrapol2 extrapol2(self) #@profile def compute_fluxes(self): """Compute fluxes and timestep suitable for all volumes in domain. Compute total flux for each conserved quantity using "flux_function" Fluxes across each edge are scaled by edgelengths and summed up Resulting flux is then scaled by area and stored in explicit_update for each of the three conserved quantities stage, xmomentum and ymomentum The maximal allowable speed computed by the flux_function for each volume is converted to a timestep that must not be exceeded. The minimum of those is computed as the next overall timestep. Post conditions: domain.explicit_update is reset to computed flux values domain.flux_timestep is set to the largest step satisfying all volumes. This wrapper calls the underlying C version of compute fluxes """ if self.compute_fluxes_method == 'original': from .shallow_water_ext import compute_fluxes_ext_central_structure from .shallow_water_ext import gravity as gravity_c self.flux_timestep = compute_fluxes_ext_central_structure(self) gravity_c(self) elif self.compute_fluxes_method == 'wb_1': # Calc pressure terms using Simpson rule in flux # computations. Then they match up exactly with # standard gravity term - g h grad(z) from .shallow_water_ext import compute_fluxes_ext_wb from .shallow_water_ext import gravity as gravity_c self.flux_timestep = compute_fluxes_ext_wb(self) gravity_c(self) elif self.compute_fluxes_method == 'wb_2': # Use standard flux calculation, but calc gravity # as -g h grad(w) - sum midpoint edge pressure terms from .shallow_water_ext import compute_fluxes_ext_central_structure from .shallow_water_ext import gravity_wb as gravity_wb_c self.flux_timestep = compute_fluxes_ext_central_structure(self) gravity_wb_c(self) elif self.compute_fluxes_method == 'wb_3': # Calculate pure flux terms with simpsons rule, and # gravity flux and gravity forcing via # as -g h grad(w) - sum midpoint edge pressure terms from .shallow_water_ext import compute_fluxes_ext_wb_3 from .shallow_water_ext import gravity_wb as gravity_wb_c self.flux_timestep = compute_fluxes_ext_wb_3(self) gravity_wb_c(self) elif self.compute_fluxes_method == 'tsunami': # Using Gareth Davies well balanced scheme # Flux calculation and gravity incorporated in same # procedure # # FIXME SR: This needs cleaning up, should just be passing through # the domain as in other compute flux calls from .swb2_domain_ext import compute_fluxes_ext_central \ as compute_fluxes_ext # Shortcuts Stage = self.quantities['stage'] Xmom = self.quantities['xmomentum'] Ymom = self.quantities['ymomentum'] Bed = self.quantities['elevation'] timestep = self.evolve_max_timestep self.flux_timestep = compute_fluxes_ext(timestep, self.epsilon, self.H0, self.g, self.neighbours, self.neighbour_edges, self.normals, self.edgelengths, self.radii, self.areas, self.tri_full_flag, Stage.edge_values, Xmom.edge_values, Ymom.edge_values, Bed.edge_values, Stage.boundary_values, Xmom.boundary_values, Ymom.boundary_values, self.boundary_flux_type, Stage.explicit_update, Xmom.explicit_update, Ymom.explicit_update, self.already_computed_flux, self.max_speed, int(self.optimise_dry_cells), Stage.centroid_values, Bed.centroid_values, Bed.vertex_values) elif self.compute_fluxes_method == 'DE': # Using Gareth Davies discontinuous elevation scheme # Flux calculation and gravity incorporated in same # procedure from .swDE1_domain_ext import compute_fluxes_ext_central \ as compute_fluxes_ext timestep = self.evolve_max_timestep flux_timestep = compute_fluxes_ext(self, timestep) self.flux_timestep = flux_timestep else: raise Exception('unknown compute_fluxes_method') # TODO (SR) # Should implement wb_4 as simpsons rule on both pure # flux and pressure flux terms, ie a combination of wb_1 # and wb_3 # Mabe should come up with better names! def distribute_to_vertices_and_edges(self): """ Call correct module function """ if self.compute_fluxes_method == 'tsunami': # FIXME SR: Clean up code to just take self (domain) as # input argument from .swb2_domain_ext import protect # shortcuts wc = self.quantities['stage'].centroid_values wv = self.quantities['stage'].vertex_values zc = self.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values zv = self.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values xmomc = self.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values ymomc = self.quantities['ymomentum'].centroid_values areas = self.areas mass_error = protect(self.minimum_allowed_height, self.maximum_allowed_speed, self.epsilon, wc, wv, zc,zv, xmomc, ymomc, areas) if mass_error > 0.0 and self.verbose : print('Cumulative mass protection: %g m^3 '% mass_error) from .swb2_domain_ext import extrapolate_second_order_edge_sw as extrapol2_ext # Shortcuts Stage = self.quantities['stage'] Xmom = self.quantities['xmomentum'] Ymom = self.quantities['ymomentum'] Elevation = self.quantities['elevation'] extrapol2_ext(self, self.surrogate_neighbours, self.number_of_boundaries, self.centroid_coordinates, Stage.centroid_values, Xmom.centroid_values, Ymom.centroid_values, Elevation.centroid_values, self.edge_coordinates, Stage.edge_values, Xmom.edge_values, Ymom.edge_values, Elevation.edge_values, Stage.vertex_values, Xmom.vertex_values, Ymom.vertex_values, Elevation.vertex_values, int(self.optimise_dry_cells), int(self.extrapolate_velocity_second_order)) elif self.compute_fluxes_method=='DE': # Do protection step self.protect_against_infinitesimal_and_negative_heights() # Do extrapolation step from .swDE1_domain_ext import extrapolate_second_order_edge_sw as extrapol2 extrapol2(self) else: # Code for original method if self.use_edge_limiter: self.distribute_using_edge_limiter() else: self.distribute_using_vertex_limiter() def distribute_using_edge_limiter(self): """Distribution from centroids to edges specific to the SWW eqn. It will ensure that h (w-z) is always non-negative even in the presence of steep bed-slopes by taking a weighted average between shallow and deep cases. In addition, all conserved quantities get distributed as per either a constant (order==1) or a piecewise linear function (order==2). Precondition: All quantities defined at centroids and bed elevation defined at vertices. Postcondition Conserved quantities defined at vertices """ # Remove very thin layers of water self.protect_against_infinitesimal_and_negative_heights() for name in self.conserved_quantities: Q = self.quantities[name] if self._order_ == 1: Q.extrapolate_first_order() elif self._order_ == 2: Q.extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_edge() else: raise Exception('Unknown order') self.balance_deep_and_shallow() # Compute edge values by interpolation for name in self.conserved_quantities: Q = self.quantities[name] Q.interpolate_from_vertices_to_edges() def distribute_using_vertex_limiter(self): """Distribution from centroids to vertices specific to the SWW equation. It will ensure that h (w-z) is always non-negative even in the presence of steep bed-slopes by taking a weighted average between shallow and deep cases. In addition, all conserved quantities get distributed as per either a constant (order==1) or a piecewise linear function (order==2). FIXME: more explanation about removal of artificial variability etc Precondition: All quantities defined at centroids and bed elevation defined at vertices. Postcondition Conserved quantities defined at vertices """ # Remove very thin layers of water self.protect_against_infinitesimal_and_negative_heights() # Extrapolate all conserved quantities if self.optimised_gradient_limiter: # MH090605 if second order, # perform the extrapolation and limiting on # all of the conserved quantities if (self._order_ == 1): for name in self.conserved_quantities: Q = self.quantities[name] Q.extrapolate_first_order() elif self._order_ == 2: self.extrapolate_second_order_sw() else: raise Exception('Unknown order') else: # Old code: for name in domain.conserved_quantities: Q = self.quantities[name] if self._order_ == 1: Q.extrapolate_first_order() elif self._order_ == 2: Q.extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_vertex() else: raise Exception('Unknown order') # Take bed elevation into account when water heights are small self.balance_deep_and_shallow() # Compute edge values by interpolation for name in self.conserved_quantities: Q = self.quantities[name] Q.interpolate_from_vertices_to_edges() def protect_against_infinitesimal_and_negative_heights(self): """ Clean up the stage and momentum values to ensure non-negative heights """ if self.flow_algorithm == 'tsunami': from .swb2_domain_ext import protect # shortcuts wc = self.quantities['stage'].centroid_values wv = self.quantities['stage'].vertex_values zc = self.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values zv = self.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values xmomc = self.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values ymomc = self.quantities['ymomentum'].centroid_values areas = self.areas mass_error = protect(self.minimum_allowed_height, self.maximum_allowed_speed, self.epsilon, wc, wv, zc,zv, xmomc, ymomc, areas) if mass_error > 0.0 and self.verbose : print('Cumulative mass protection: '+str(mass_error)+' m^3 ') elif self.compute_fluxes_method == 'DE': from .swDE1_domain_ext import protect_new mass_error = protect_new(self) # # shortcuts # wc = self.quantities['stage'].centroid_values # wv = self.quantities['stage'].vertex_values # zc = self.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values # zv = self.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values # xmomc = self.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values # ymomc = self.quantities['ymomentum'].centroid_values # areas = self.areas # xc = self.centroid_coordinates[:,0] # yc = self.centroid_coordinates[:,1] #mass_error = protect(self.minimum_allowed_height, self.maximum_allowed_speed, # self.epsilon, wc, wv, zc,zv, xmomc, ymomc, areas, xc, yc) # if mass_error > 0.0 and self.verbose : #print('Cumulative mass protection: ' + str(mass_error) + ' m^3 ') # From print('Cumulative mass protection: {0} m^3'.format(mass_error)) else: from .shallow_water_ext import protect # Shortcuts wc = self.quantities['stage'].centroid_values zc = self.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values xmomc = self.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values ymomc = self.quantities['ymomentum'].centroid_values protect(self.minimum_allowed_height, self.maximum_allowed_speed, self.epsilon, wc, zc, xmomc, ymomc) def balance_deep_and_shallow(self): """Compute linear combination between stage as computed by gradient-limiters limiting using w, and stage computed by gradient-limiters limiting using h (h-limiter). The former takes precedence when heights are large compared to the bed slope while the latter takes precedence when heights are relatively small. Anything in between is computed as a balanced linear combination in order to avoid numerical disturbances which would otherwise appear as a result of hard switching between modes. Wrapper for C implementation """ from .shallow_water_ext import balance_deep_and_shallow \ as balance_deep_and_shallow_ext # Shortcuts wc = self.quantities['stage'].centroid_values zc = self.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values wv = self.quantities['stage'].vertex_values zv = self.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values # Momentums at centroids xmomc = self.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values ymomc = self.quantities['ymomentum'].centroid_values # Momentums at vertices xmomv = self.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values ymomv = self.quantities['ymomentum'].vertex_values balance_deep_and_shallow_ext(self, wc, zc, wv, zv, wc, xmomc, ymomc, xmomv, ymomv) def update_conserved_quantities(self): """Update vectors of conserved quantities using previously computed fluxes and specified forcing functions. """ timestep = self.timestep # Update conserved_quantities #for name in self.conserved_quantities: # Q = self.quantities[name] # Q.update(timestep) #print 'shallow water update conserved quantties' Elev = self.quantities['elevation'] Stage = self.quantities['stage'] Xmom = self.quantities['xmomentum'] Ymom = self.quantities['ymomentum'] Stage.update(timestep) Xmom.update(timestep) Ymom.update(timestep) if self.get_using_discontinuous_elevation(): tff = self.tri_full_flag negative_ids = num.where( num.logical_and((Stage.centroid_values - Elev.centroid_values) < 0.0 , tff > 0) )[0] if len(negative_ids) > 0: # FIXME: This only warns the first time -- maybe we should warn whenever loss occurs? import warnings msg = 'Negative cells being set to zero depth, possible loss of conservation. \n' +\ 'Consider using domain.report_water_volume_statistics() to check the extent of the problem' warnings.warn(msg) Stage.centroid_values[negative_ids] = Elev.centroid_values[negative_ids] Xmom.centroid_values[negative_ids] = 0.0 Ymom.centroid_values[negative_ids] = 0.0 def update_other_quantities(self): """ There may be a need to calculates some of the other quantities based on the new values of conserved quantities """ return """ if self.flow_algorithm == 'yusuke': return # The centroid values of height and x and y velocity # might not have been setup self.update_centroids_of_velocities_and_height() # At present just use piecewise constants for these "other' quantities for name in ['height', 'xvelocity', 'yvelocity']: Q = self.quantities[name] Q.extrapolate_first_order() # for name in ['height', 'xvelocity', 'yvelocity']: # Q = self.quantities[name] # if self._order_ == 1: # Q.extrapolate_first_order() # elif self._order_ == 2: # if self.use_edge_limiter: # Q.extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_edge() # else: # Q.extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_vertex() # else: # raise Exception('Unknown order') """ def update_centroids_of_velocities_and_height(self): """Calculate the centroid values of velocities and height based on the values of the quantities stage and x and y momentum Assumes that stage and momentum are up to date Useful for kinematic viscosity calculations """ # For shallow water we need to update height xvelocity and yvelocity #Shortcuts W = self.quantities['stage'] UH = self.quantities['xmomentum'] VH = self.quantities['ymomentum'] H = self.quantities['height'] Z = self.quantities['elevation'] U = self.quantities['xvelocity'] V = self.quantities['yvelocity'] #print num.min(W.centroid_values) # Make sure boundary values of conserved quantites # are consistent with value of functions at centroids #self.distribute_to_vertices_and_edges() Z.set_boundary_values_from_edges() #W.set_boundary_values_from_edges() #UH.set_boundary_values_from_edges() #VH.set_boundary_values_from_edges() #Aliases w_C = W.centroid_values z_C = Z.centroid_values uh_C = UH.centroid_values vh_C = VH.centroid_values u_C = U.centroid_values v_C = V.centroid_values h_C = H.centroid_values w_B = W.boundary_values z_B = Z.boundary_values uh_B = UH.boundary_values vh_B = VH.boundary_values u_B = U.boundary_values v_B = V.boundary_values h_B = H.boundary_values h_C[:] = w_C-z_C h_C[:] = num.where(h_C >= 0, h_C , 0.0) h_B[:] = w_B-z_B h_B[:] = num.where(h_B >=0, h_B, 0.0) # Update height values #H.set_values( num.where(W.centroid_values-Z.centroid_values>=0, # W.centroid_values-Z.centroid_values, 0.0), location='centroids') #H.set_boundary_values( num.where(W.boundary_values-Z.boundary_values>=0, # W.boundary_values-Z.boundary_values, 0.0)) #assert num.min(h_C) >= 0 #assert num.min(h_B) >= 0 H0 = 1.0e-8 #U.set_values(uh_C/(h_C + H0/h_C), location='centroids') #V.set_values(vh_C/(h_C + H0/h_C), location='centroids') factor = old_div(h_C,(h_C*h_C + H0)) u_C[:] = uh_C*factor v_C[:] = vh_C*factor #U.set_boundary_values(uh_B/(h_B + H0/h_B)) #V.set_boundary_values(vh_B/(h_B + H0/h_B)) factor = old_div(h_B,(h_B*h_B + H0)) u_B[:] = uh_B*factor v_B[:] = vh_B*factor def update_centroids_of_momentum_from_velocity(self): """Calculate the centroid value of x and y momentum from height and velocities Assumes centroids of height and velocities are up to date Useful for kinematic viscosity calculations """ # For shallow water we need to update height xvelocity and yvelocity #Shortcuts UH = self.quantities['xmomentum'] VH = self.quantities['ymomentum'] H = self.quantities['height'] Z = self.quantities['elevation'] U = self.quantities['xvelocity'] V = self.quantities['yvelocity'] #Arrays u_C = U.centroid_values v_C = V.centroid_values uh_C = UH.centroid_values vh_C = VH.centroid_values h_C = H.centroid_values u_B = U.boundary_values v_B = V.boundary_values uh_B = UH.boundary_values vh_B = VH.boundary_values h_B = H.boundary_values uh_C[:] = u_C*h_C vh_C[:] = v_C*h_C #UH.set_values(u_C*h_C , location='centroids') #VH.set_values(v_C*h_C , location='centroids') self.distribute_to_vertices_and_edges()
[docs] def evolve(self, yieldstep=None, outputstep=None, finaltime=None, duration=None, skip_initial_step=False): """Evolve method from Domain class. :param float yieldstep: yield every yieldstep time period :param float outputstep: Output to sww file every outputstep time period. outputstep should be an integer multiple of yieldstep. :param float finaltime: evolve until finaltime (can be a float or a datetime object) :param float duration: evolve for a time of length duration :param boolean skip_inital_step: Can be used to restart a simulation (not often used). If outputstep is None, the output to sww file happens every yieldstep. If yieldstep is None then simply evolve to finaltime or for a duration. """ # Call check integrity here rather than from user scripts # self.check_integrity() from datetime import datetime if finaltime is not None: if isinstance(finaltime, datetime): dt = self.timezone.localize(finaltime) finaltime = dt.timestamp() else: finaltime = float(finaltime) if outputstep is None: outputstep = yieldstep if yieldstep is None: output_frequency = 1 else: msg = f'outputstep ({outputstep}) should be an integer multiple of yieldstep ({yieldstep})' output_frequency = outputstep/yieldstep assert float(output_frequency).is_integer(), msg msg = 'Attribute self.beta_w must be in the interval [0, 2]' assert 0 <= self.beta_w <= 2.0, msg # Initial update of vertex and edge values before any STORAGE # and or visualisation. # This is done again in the initialisation of the Generic_Domain # evolve loop but we do it here to ensure the values are ok for storage. self.distribute_to_vertices_and_edges() if is True and (self.get_relative_time() == 0.0 or self.evolved_called is False): self.initialise_storage() # Call basic machinery from parent class for t in self._evolve_base(yieldstep=yieldstep, finaltime=finaltime, duration=duration, skip_initial_step=skip_initial_step): walltime = time.time() #print t , self.get_time() # Store model data, e.g. for subsequent visualisation if if self.yieldstep_counter%output_frequency == 0: self.store_timestep() if self.checkpoint: save_checkpoint=False if self.checkpoint_step == 0: if rank() == 0: if walltime - self.walltime_prev > self.checkpoint_time: save_checkpoint = True for cpu in range(size()): if cpu != rank(): send(save_checkpoint, cpu) else: save_checkpoint = receive(0) elif self.yieldstep_counter%self.checkpoint_step == 0: save_checkpoint = True if save_checkpoint: pickle_name = os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir,self.get_name())+'_'+str(self.get_time())+'.pickle' pickle.dump(self, open(pickle_name, 'wb')) barrier() self.walltime_prev = time.time() #print 'Stored Checkpoint File '+pickle_name # Pass control on to outer loop for more specific actions yield(t) self.yieldstep_counter += 1
def initialise_storage(self): """Create and initialise self.writer object for storing data. Also, save x,y and bed elevation """ # Initialise writer self.writer = SWW_file(self) # Store vertices and connectivity self.writer.store_connectivity() def store_timestep(self): """Store time dependent quantities and time. Precondition: self.writer has been initialised """ self.writer.store_timestep() def sww_merge(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Merge all the sub domain sww files into a global sww file :param bool verbose: Flag to produce more output :param bool delete_old: Flag to delete sub domain sww files after creating global sww file ''' pass def timestepping_statistics(self, track_speeds=False, triangle_id=None, relative_time=False, time_unit='sec', datetime=False): """Return string with time stepping statistics for printing or logging :param time_units: 'sec', 'min', 'hr', 'day' :param bool datetime: flag to use timestamp or datetime :param track_speed: Optional boolean keyword track_speeds decides whether to report location of smallest timestep as well as a histogram and percentile report. :param bool relative_time: Flag to report relative time instead of absolute time :param int triangle_id: Can be used to specify a particular triangle rather than the one with the largest speed. """ from anuga.config import epsilon, g # Call basic machinery from parent class msg = Generic_Domain.timestepping_statistics(self, track_speeds=track_speeds, triangle_id=triangle_id, relative_time=relative_time, time_unit=time_unit, datetime=datetime) if track_speeds is True: # qwidth determines the text field used for quantities qwidth = self.qwidth # Selected triangle k = self.k # Report some derived quantities at vertices, edges and centroid # specific to the shallow water wave equation z = self.quantities['elevation'] w = self.quantities['stage'] Vw = w.get_values(location='vertices', indices=[k])[0] Ew = w.get_values(location='edges', indices=[k])[0] Cw = w.get_values(location='centroids', indices=[k]) Vz = z.get_values(location='vertices', indices=[k])[0] Ez = z.get_values(location='edges', indices=[k])[0] Cz = z.get_values(location='centroids', indices=[k]) name = 'depth' Vh = Vw-Vz Eh = Ew-Ez Ch = Cw-Cz message = ' %s: vertex_values = %.4f,\t %.4f,\t %.4f\n'\ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Vh[0], Vh[1], Vh[2]) message += ' %s: edge_values = %.4f,\t %.4f,\t %.4f\n'\ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Eh[0], Eh[1], Eh[2]) message += ' %s: centroid_value = %.4f\n'\ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Ch[0]) msg += message uh = self.quantities['xmomentum'] vh = self.quantities['ymomentum'] Vuh = uh.get_values(location='vertices', indices=[k])[0] Euh = uh.get_values(location='edges', indices=[k])[0] Cuh = uh.get_values(location='centroids', indices=[k]) Vvh = vh.get_values(location='vertices', indices=[k])[0] Evh = vh.get_values(location='edges', indices=[k])[0] Cvh = vh.get_values(location='centroids', indices=[k]) # Speeds in each direction Vu = old_div(Vuh,(Vh + epsilon)) Eu = old_div(Euh,(Eh + epsilon)) Cu = old_div(Cuh,(Ch + epsilon)) name = 'U' message = ' %s: vertex_values = %.4f,\t %.4f,\t %.4f\n' \ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Vu[0], Vu[1], Vu[2]) message += ' %s: edge_values = %.4f,\t %.4f,\t %.4f\n' \ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Eu[0], Eu[1], Eu[2]) message += ' %s: centroid_value = %.4f\n' \ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Cu[0]) msg += message Vv = old_div(Vvh,(Vh + epsilon)) Ev = old_div(Evh,(Eh + epsilon)) Cv = old_div(Cvh,(Ch + epsilon)) name = 'V' message = ' %s: vertex_values = %.4f,\t %.4f,\t %.4f\n' \ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Vv[0], Vv[1], Vv[2]) message += ' %s: edge_values = %.4f,\t %.4f,\t %.4f\n' \ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Ev[0], Ev[1], Ev[2]) message += ' %s: centroid_value = %.4f\n'\ %(name.ljust(qwidth), Cv[0]) msg += message # Froude number in each direction name = 'Froude (x)' Vfx = old_div(Vu,(num.sqrt(g*Vh) + epsilon)) Efx = old_div(Eu,(num.sqrt(g*Eh) + epsilon)) Cfx = old_div(Cu,(num.sqrt(g*Ch) + epsilon)) message = ' %s: vertex_values = %.4f,\t %.4f,\t %.4f\n'\ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Vfx[0], Vfx[1], Vfx[2]) message += ' %s: edge_values = %.4f,\t %.4f,\t %.4f\n'\ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Efx[0], Efx[1], Efx[2]) message += ' %s: centroid_value = %.4f\n'\ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Cfx[0]) msg += message name = 'Froude (y)' Vfy = old_div(Vv,(num.sqrt(g*Vh) + epsilon)) Efy = old_div(Ev,(num.sqrt(g*Eh) + epsilon)) Cfy = old_div(Cv,(num.sqrt(g*Ch) + epsilon)) message = ' %s: vertex_values = %.4f,\t %.4f,\t %.4f\n'\ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Vfy[0], Vfy[1], Vfy[2]) message += ' %s: edge_values = %.4f,\t %.4f,\t %.4f\n'\ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Efy[0], Efy[1], Efy[2]) message += ' %s: centroid_value = %.4f\n'\ % (name.ljust(qwidth), Cfy[0]) msg += message return msg
[docs] def print_timestepping_statistics(self, *args, **kwargs): """Print time stepping statistics :param time_units: 'sec', 'min', 'hr', 'day' :param bool datetime: flag to use timestamp or datetime :param track_speed: Optional boolean keyword track_speeds decides whether to report location of smallest timestep as well as a histogram and percentile report. :param bool relative_time: Flag to report relative time instead of absolute time :param int triangle_id: Can be used to specify a particular triangle rather than the one with the largest speed. """ msg = self.timestepping_statistics(*args, **kwargs) print(msg)
def compute_boundary_flows(self): """Compute boundary flows at current timestep. Quantities computed are: Total inflow across boundary Total outflow across boundary Flow across each tagged boundary segment These calculations are only approximate since they don't use the flux calculation used in evolve See get_boundary_flux_integral for an exact computation """ # Run through boundary array and compute for each segment # the normal momentum ((uh, vh) dot normal) times segment length. # Based on sign accumulate this into boundary_inflow and # boundary_outflow. # Compute flows along boundary uh = self.get_quantity('xmomentum').get_values(location='edges') vh = self.get_quantity('ymomentum').get_values(location='edges') # Loop through edges that lie on the boundary and calculate # flows boundary_flows = {} total_boundary_inflow = 0.0 total_boundary_outflow = 0.0 for vol_id, edge_id in self.boundary: # Compute normal flow across edge. Since normal vector points # away from triangle, a positive sign means that water # flows *out* from this triangle. momentum = [uh[vol_id, edge_id], vh[vol_id, edge_id]] normal = self.mesh.get_normal(vol_id, edge_id) length = self.mesh.get_edgelength(vol_id, edge_id) normal_flow =, normal)*length # Reverse sign so that + is taken to mean inflow # and - means outflow. This is more intuitive. edge_flow = -normal_flow # Tally up inflows and outflows separately if edge_flow > 0: # Flow is inflow total_boundary_inflow += edge_flow else: # Flow is outflow total_boundary_outflow += edge_flow # Tally up flows by boundary tag tag = self.boundary[(vol_id, edge_id)] if tag not in boundary_flows: boundary_flows[tag] = 0.0 boundary_flows[tag] += edge_flow return boundary_flows, total_boundary_inflow, total_boundary_outflow def compute_forcing_flows(self): """ Compute flows in and out of domain due to forcing terms. Quantities computed are: Total inflow through forcing terms Total outflow through forcing terms Current total volume in domain """ #FIXME(Ole): We need to separate what part of explicit_update was # due to the normal flux calculations and what is due to forcing terms. pass def compute_total_volume(self): """ Compute total volume (m^3) of water in entire domain """ return self.get_water_volume() def volumetric_balance_statistics(self): """Create volumetric balance report suitable for printing or logging. """ (boundary_flows, total_boundary_inflow, total_boundary_outflow) = self.compute_boundary_flows() message = '---------------------------\n' message += 'Volumetric balance report:\n' message += 'Note: Boundary fluxes are not exact\n' message += 'See get_boundary_flux_integral for exact computation\n' message += '--------------------------\n' message += 'Total boundary inflow [m^3/s]: %.2f\n' % total_boundary_inflow message += 'Total boundary outflow [m^3/s]: %.2f\n' % total_boundary_outflow message += 'Net boundary flow by tags [m^3/s]\n' for tag in boundary_flows: message += ' %s [m^3/s]: %.2f\n' % (tag, boundary_flows[tag]) message += 'Total net boundary flow [m^3/s]: %.2f\n' % \ (total_boundary_inflow + total_boundary_outflow) message += 'Total volume in domain [m^3]: %.2f\n' % \ self.compute_total_volume() # The go through explicit forcing update and record the rate of change # for stage and # record into forcing_inflow and forcing_outflow. Finally compute # integral of depth to obtain total volume of domain. # FIXME(Ole): This part is not yet done. return message def print_volumetric_balance_statistics(self): print (self.volumetric_balance_statistics()) def compute_flux_update_frequency(self): """ Update the 'flux_update_frequency' and 'update_extrapolate' variables Used to control updating of fluxes / extrapolation for 'local-time-stepping' """ from .swDE1_domain_ext import compute_flux_update_frequency \ as compute_flux_update_frequency_ext compute_flux_update_frequency_ext(self, self.timestep) def report_water_volume_statistics(self, verbose=True, returnStats=False): """ Compute the volume, boundary flux integral, fractional step volume integral, and their difference If verbose, print a summary If returnStats, return a list with the volume statistics """ from anuga import myid if(self.compute_fluxes_method != 'DE'): if(myid==0): print('Water_volume_statistics only supported for DE algorithm ') return # Compute the volume Vol=self.get_water_volume() # Compute the boundary flux integral fluxIntegral=self.get_boundary_flux_integral() fracIntegral=self.get_fractional_step_volume_integral() if(verbose and myid==0): print(' ') print(' Volume V is:', Vol) print(' Boundary Flux integral BF: ', fluxIntegral) print(' (rate + inlet) Fractional Step volume integral FS: ', fracIntegral) print(' V - BF - FS - InitialVolume :', Vol- fluxIntegral -fracIntegral - self.volume_history[0]) print(' ') if(returnStats): return [Vol, fluxIntegral, fracIntegral] else: return def report_cells_with_small_local_timestep(self, threshold_depth=None): """ Convenience function to print the locations of cells with a small local timestep. Computations are at cell centroids Useful in models with complex meshes, to find ways to speed up the model """ from anuga.parallel import myid, numprocs from anuga.config import g, epsilon if(threshold_depth is None): threshold_depth=self.minimum_allowed_height uh = self.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values vh = self.quantities['ymomentum'].centroid_values d = self.quantities['stage'].centroid_values - self.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values d = num.maximum(d, threshold_depth) v = old_div(( (uh)**2 + (vh)**2)**0.5,d) v = v*(d>threshold_depth) for i in range(numprocs): if(myid==i): print(' Processor ', myid) gravSpeed=(g*d)**0.5 waveSpeed = abs(v)+gravSpeed localTS=old_div(self.radii,num.maximum(waveSpeed, epsilon)) controlling_pt_ind=localTS.argmin() print(' * Smallest LocalTS is: ', localTS[controlling_pt_ind]) print(' -- Location: ', round(self.centroid_coordinates[controlling_pt_ind,0]+self.geo_reference.xllcorner,2),\ round(self.centroid_coordinates[controlling_pt_ind,1]+self.geo_reference.yllcorner,2)) print(' -+ Speed: ', v[controlling_pt_ind]) print(' -* Gravity_wave_speed', gravSpeed[controlling_pt_ind]) print(' ') barrier() return # ======================================================================= # PETE: NEW METHODS FOR FOR PARALLEL STRUCTURES. Note that we assume the # first "number_of_full_[nodes|triangles]" are full [nodes|triangles] # For full triangles it is possible to enquire self.tri_full_flag == True # ======================================================================= def get_number_of_full_triangles(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.number_of_full_triangles def get_full_centroid_coordinates(self, *args, **kwargs): C = self.mesh.get_centroid_coordinates(*args, **kwargs) return C[:self.number_of_full_triangles, :] def get_full_vertex_coordinates(self, *args, **kwargs): V = self.mesh.get_vertex_coordinates(*args, **kwargs) return V[:3*self.number_of_full_triangles,:] def get_full_triangles(self, *args, **kwargs): T = self.mesh.get_triangles(*args, **kwargs) return T[:self.number_of_full_triangles,:] def get_full_nodes(self, *args, **kwargs): N = self.mesh.get_nodes(*args, **kwargs) return N[:self.number_of_full_nodes,:] def get_tri_map(self): return self.tri_map def get_inv_tri_map(self): return self.inv_tri_map
################################################################################ # End of class Shallow Water Domain ################################################################################ #----------------- # Flux computation #----------------- #def compute_fluxes(domain): # """Compute fluxes and timestep suitable for all volumes in domain. # # Compute total flux for each conserved quantity using "flux_function" # # Fluxes across each edge are scaled by edgelengths and summed up # Resulting flux is then scaled by area and stored in # explicit_update for each of the three conserved quantities # stage, xmomentum and ymomentum # # The maximal allowable speed computed by the flux_function for each volume # is converted to a timestep that must not be exceeded. The minimum of # those is computed as the next overall timestep. # # Post conditions: # domain.explicit_update is reset to computed flux values # domain.timestep is set to the largest step satisfying all volumes. # # This wrapper calls the underlying C version of compute fluxes # """ # # import sys # from shallow_water_ext import compute_fluxes_ext_central \ # as compute_fluxes_ext # # # Shortcuts # Stage = domain.quantities['stage'] # Xmom = domain.quantities['xmomentum'] # Ymom = domain.quantities['ymomentum'] # Bed = domain.quantities['elevation'] # # # # timestep = float(sys.maxint) # # flux_timestep = compute_fluxes_ext(timestep, # domain.epsilon, # domain.H0, # domain.g, # domain.neighbours, # domain.neighbour_edges, # domain.normals, # domain.edgelengths, # domain.radii, # domain.areas, # domain.tri_full_flag, # Stage.edge_values, # Xmom.edge_values, # Ymom.edge_values, # Bed.edge_values, # Stage.boundary_values, # Xmom.boundary_values, # Ymom.boundary_values, # Stage.explicit_update, # Xmom.explicit_update, # Ymom.explicit_update, # domain.already_computed_flux, # domain.max_speed, # domain.optimise_dry_cells) # # domain.flux_timestep = flux_timestep # # # #def compute_fluxes_structure(domain): # """Compute fluxes and timestep suitable for all volumes in domain. # # Compute total flux for each conserved quantity using "flux_function" # # Fluxes across each edge are scaled by edgelengths and summed up # Resulting flux is then scaled by area and stored in # explicit_update for each of the three conserved quantities # stage, xmomentum and ymomentum # # The maximal allowable speed computed by the flux_function for each volume # is converted to a timestep that must not be exceeded. The minimum of # those is computed as the next overall timestep. # # Post conditions: # domain.explicit_update is reset to computed flux values # domain.flux_timestep is set to the largest step satisfying all volumes. # # This wrapper calls the underlying C version of compute fluxes # """ # # # from shallow_water_ext import compute_fluxes_ext_central_structure # # # domain.flux_timestep = compute_fluxes_ext_central_structure(domain) # ################################################################################ # Module functions for gradient limiting ################################################################################ def extrapolate_second_order_sw_old(domain): """Wrapper calling C version of extrapolate_second_order_sw. domain the domain to operate on Note MH090605: The following method belongs to the shallow_water domain class, see comments in the corresponding method in shallow_water_ext.c """ from .shallow_water_ext import extrapolate_second_order_sw_old as extrapol2 # Shortcuts Stage = domain.quantities['stage'] Xmom = domain.quantities['xmomentum'] Ymom = domain.quantities['ymomentum'] Elevation = domain.quantities['elevation'] extrapol2(domain, domain.surrogate_neighbours, domain.number_of_boundaries, domain.centroid_coordinates, Stage.centroid_values, Xmom.centroid_values, Ymom.centroid_values, Elevation.centroid_values, domain.vertex_coordinates, Stage.vertex_values, Xmom.vertex_values, Ymom.vertex_values, Elevation.vertex_values, int(domain.optimise_dry_cells), int(domain.extrapolate_velocity_second_order)) #def extrapolate_second_order_sw(domain): # """Wrapper calling C version of extrapolate_second_order_sw. # # domain the domain to operate on # # Note MH090605: The following method belongs to the shallow_water domain # class, see comments in the corresponding method in shallow_water_ext.c # """ # # from shallow_water_ext import extrapolate_second_order_sw as extrapol2 # extrapol2(domain) def distribute_using_vertex_limiter(domain): """Distribution from centroids to vertices specific to the SWW equation. It will ensure that h (w-z) is always non-negative even in the presence of steep bed-slopes by taking a weighted average between shallow and deep cases. In addition, all conserved quantities get distributed as per either a constant (order==1) or a piecewise linear function (order==2). FIXME: more explanation about removal of artificial variability etc Precondition: All quantities defined at centroids and bed elevation defined at vertices. Postcondition Conserved quantities defined at vertices """ # Remove very thin layers of water domain.protect_against_infinitesimal_and_negative_heights() # Extrapolate all conserved quantities if domain.optimised_gradient_limiter: # MH090605 if second order, # perform the extrapolation and limiting on # all of the conserved quantities if (domain._order_ == 1): for name in domain.conserved_quantities: Q = domain.quantities[name] Q.extrapolate_first_order() elif domain._order_ == 2: domain.extrapolate_second_order_sw() else: raise Exception('Unknown order') else: # Old code: for name in domain.conserved_quantities: Q = domain.quantities[name] if domain._order_ == 1: Q.extrapolate_first_order() elif domain._order_ == 2: Q.extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_vertex() else: raise Exception('Unknown order') # Take bed elevation into account when water heights are small balance_deep_and_shallow(domain) # Compute edge values by interpolation for name in domain.conserved_quantities: Q = domain.quantities[name] Q.interpolate_from_vertices_to_edges() #def distribute_using_edge_limiter(domain): # """Distribution from centroids to edges specific to the SWW eqn. # # It will ensure that h (w-z) is always non-negative even in the # presence of steep bed-slopes by taking a weighted average between shallow # and deep cases. # # In addition, all conserved quantities get distributed as per either a # constant (order==1) or a piecewise linear function (order==2). # # # Precondition: # All quantities defined at centroids and bed elevation defined at # vertices. # # Postcondition # Conserved quantities defined at vertices # """ # # # Remove very thin layers of water # domain.protect_against_infinitesimal_and_negative_heights() # # for name in domain.conserved_quantities: # Q = domain.quantities[name] # if domain._order_ == 1: # Q.extrapolate_first_order() # elif domain._order_ == 2: # Q.extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_edge() # else: # raise Exception('Unknown order') # # balance_deep_and_shallow(domain) # # # Compute edge values by interpolation # for name in domain.conserved_quantities: # Q = domain.quantities[name] # Q.interpolate_from_vertices_to_edges() # ##def protect_against_infinitesimal_and_negative_heights(domain): ## """Protect against infinitesimal heights and associated high velocities""" ## ## from shallow_water_ext import protect ## ## # Shortcuts ## wc = domain.quantities['stage'].centroid_values ## zc = domain.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values ## xmomc = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values ## ymomc = domain.quantities['ymomentum'].centroid_values ## ## protect(domain.minimum_allowed_height, domain.maximum_allowed_speed, ## domain.epsilon, wc, zc, xmomc, ymomc) ################################################################################ # Standard forcing terms ################################################################################ def manning_friction_implicit(domain): """Apply (Manning) friction to water momentum Wrapper for c version """ from .shallow_water_ext import manning_friction_flat from .shallow_water_ext import manning_friction_sloped xmom = domain.quantities['xmomentum'] ymom = domain.quantities['ymomentum'] x = domain.get_vertex_coordinates() w = domain.quantities['stage'].centroid_values z = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values uh = xmom.centroid_values vh = ymom.centroid_values eta = domain.quantities['friction'].centroid_values xmom_update = xmom.semi_implicit_update ymom_update = ymom.semi_implicit_update eps = domain.minimum_allowed_height g = domain.g if domain.use_sloped_mannings: manning_friction_sloped(g, eps, x, w, uh, vh, z, eta, xmom_update, \ ymom_update) else: manning_friction_flat(g, eps, w, uh, vh, z, eta, xmom_update, \ ymom_update) def manning_friction_explicit(domain): """Apply (Manning) friction to water momentum Wrapper for c version """ from .shallow_water_ext import manning_friction_flat from .shallow_water_ext import manning_friction_sloped xmom = domain.quantities['xmomentum'] ymom = domain.quantities['ymomentum'] x = domain.get_vertex_coordinates() w = domain.quantities['stage'].centroid_values z = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values uh = xmom.centroid_values vh = ymom.centroid_values eta = domain.quantities['friction'].centroid_values xmom_update = xmom.explicit_update ymom_update = ymom.explicit_update eps = domain.minimum_allowed_height if domain.use_sloped_mannings: manning_friction_sloped(domain.g, eps, x, w, uh, vh, z, eta, xmom_update, \ ymom_update) else: manning_friction_flat(domain.g, eps, w, uh, vh, z, eta, xmom_update, \ ymom_update) # FIXME (Ole): This was implemented for use with one of the analytical solutions def linear_friction(domain): """Apply linear friction to water momentum Assumes quantity: 'linear_friction' to be present """ w = domain.quantities['stage'].centroid_values z = domain.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values h = w-z uh = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values vh = domain.quantities['ymomentum'].centroid_values tau = domain.quantities['linear_friction'].centroid_values xmom_update = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].semi_implicit_update ymom_update = domain.quantities['ymomentum'].semi_implicit_update num_tris = len(domain) eps = domain.minimum_allowed_height for k in range(num_tris): if tau[k] >= eps: if h[k] >= eps: S = old_div(-tau[k],h[k]) #Update momentum xmom_update[k] += S*uh[k] ymom_update[k] += S*vh[k] def depth_dependent_friction(domain, default_friction, surface_roughness_data, verbose=False): """Returns an array of friction values for each wet element adjusted for depth. Inputs: domain - computational domain object default_friction - depth independent bottom friction surface_roughness_data - N x 5 array of n0, d1, n1, d2, n2 values for each friction region. Outputs: wet_friction - Array that can be used directly to update friction as follows: domain.set_quantity('friction', wet_friction) """ default_n0 = 0 # James - this was missing, don't know what it should be # Create a temp array to store updated depth dependent # friction for wet elements # EHR this is outwardly inneficient but not obvious how to avoid # recreating each call?????? wet_friction = num.zeros(len(domain), float) wet_friction[:] = default_n0 # Initially assign default_n0 to all array so # sure have no zeros values # create depth instance for this timestep depth = domain.create_quantity_from_expression('stage - elevation') # Recompute depth as vector d_vals = depth.get_values(location='centroids') # rebuild the 'friction' values adjusted for depth at this instant # loop for each wet element in domain for i in domain.get_wet_elements(): # Get roughness data for each element d1 = float(surface_roughness_data[i, 1]) n1 = float(surface_roughness_data[i, 2]) d2 = float(surface_roughness_data[i, 3]) n2 = float(surface_roughness_data[i, 4]) # Recompute friction values from depth for this element if d_vals[i] <= d1: ddf = n1 elif d_vals[i] >= d2: ddf = n2 else: ddf = n1 + (old_div((n2-n1),(d2-d1)))*(d_vals[i]-d1) # check sanity of result if (ddf < 0.010 or \ ddf > 9999.0) : log.critical('>>>> WARNING: computed depth_dependent friction ' 'out of range, ddf%f, n1=%f, n2=%f' % (ddf, n1, n2)) # update depth dependent friction for that wet element wet_friction[i] = ddf # EHR add code to show range of 'friction across domain at this instant as # sanity check????????? if verbose : # return array of domain nvals nvals = domain.get_quantity('friction').get_values(location='centroids') n_min = min(nvals) n_max = max(nvals) log.critical(' ++++ calculate_depth_dependent_friction - ' 'Updated friction - range %7.3f to %7.3f' % (n_min, n_max)) return wet_friction def my_update_special_conditions(domain): pass if __name__ == "__main__": pass