
class anuga.Region(domain, indices=None, polygon=None, center=None, radius=None, line=None, poly=None, expand_polygon=False, verbose=False)[source]

Object which defines a region within the domain

__init__(domain, indices=None, polygon=None, center=None, radius=None, line=None, poly=None, expand_polygon=False, verbose=False)[source]

Create a Region object

  • domain – Region must be defined wrt a domain

  • indices – Define the region by triangle IDs

  • polygon – List of [x,y] points to define region

  • center – point [x,y] which defines the centre of a circle

  • radius – radius of a circle which defines a region

  • line – List of [x,y] points defining a polyline

  • poly – An old argument which was used to define a polyline or polygon

  • expand_polygon – If set true, then calculation of intersection of polygon with triangles based on vertices, otherwise based just on centroids

  • verbose – Set to True for more verbose output

Setup region (defined by indices, polygon or center/radius). Useful in defining where to apply certain operations


__init__(domain[, indices, polygon, center, ...])

Create a Region object



